“YOU LIE TOO MUCH ” Ben Carson HUMILIATES Whoopi Goldberg & Joy Behar Live on The View

“YOU LIE TOO MUCH ” Ben Carson HUMILIATES Whoopi Goldberg & Joy Behar Live on The View

This is hilarious, The View is one of the most heinous, racist left leaning shows on TV.  They have one agenda, Hate President Donald Trump.

All you have to do is listen to the dribble being spewed from their mouths, the hatred beams out of them like a damn bursting.

Whoopi over time has become a Poster Child for absolute racism, everything she talks about always in one form or another ends up about race.  She seems so fixated it’s as if she has nothing else to say.  watch her body language and facial expressions, she is totally unwilling to even listen as her mind has been made up years ago as she has fallen lockstep with the liberal’s disorder.

Watch this clip and see for yourself…

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