“Oathgate” Update: Boston Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson’s Oath of Office

Woke Boston city councilor is ordered to retake oath of office after REFUSING to say the words and raise her right hand during swearing in ceremony

“Woke” Boston city councilor is ordered to retake oath of office after REFUSING to say the words and raise her right hand during swearing in ceremony

An important part of taking a political office in the United States is taking an Oath of Office, where you pledge to uphold the constitution of the United States and the Local in which you were elected to serve.

In this case Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson was spotted on Monday in Boston City Hall not saying the oath of office, instead she just stood there hands clasped and said nothing.

This is an outrage and a premeditated slap in the face for the American political system.  She decided to run for office knowing full well what was expected and required of her.

By her doing this she was disrespecting this country and every citizen in it.  It had nothing to do with her being an immigrant, and everything about her trying to force another countries views on the the USA.

In a statement Anderson put out she stated that she has internalized the oath to herself.  Well sorry, that is not how an oath of office is taken, she knew that, and yet made the conscious decision to do it anyway.  That in itself should show you and the citizens of Boston just how little respect she has for you.  And she is holding a public office supposedly with your best interest in mind?  I don’t know about you, but if I lived in Boston, I would start an immediate Recall Petition to remove her from office, because with issues like this before even getting sworn it is most definitely a huge Red Flag.

Per the Boston city charter, city councilors are required, “before entering upon the duties of his office,” to “take, and subscribe in a book to be kept by the city clerk for the purpose, the oath of allegiance and oath of office prescribed in the constitution of this commonwealth and an oath to support the constitution of the United States.”

Forced to Take/Retake the Oath of Office

Anderson reportedly told the clerk that she was not coming into the office and would let him know if she could make it on Friday. 

Her staff had told the clerk that Anderson was on her way to the building to take the oath of office and be sworn in properly, but never appeared. 

Boston City Council President Ruthzee Louijeune and the city’s law department had eventually forced Anderson to take/retake the oath both verbally and in writing.

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