Vivek Ramaswamy Gives PERFECT Answer to Diversity Question At CNN Town Hall

At the CNN Townhall last night, Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy had the perfect answer when he was asked about his strategy to promote Diversity in public and private sectors and universities.At the CNN Townhall last night, Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy had the perfect answer when he was asked about his strategy to promote Diversity in public and private sectors and universities.

At the CNN Townhall last night, Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy had the perfect answer when he was asked about his strategy to promote Diversity in public and private sectors and universities.

An absolute perfect answer to the question on diversity.  Affirmative Action has long past it’s usefulness in America and is now creating more issues than good.  It has created a vacuum of reverse racism and a slew of other problems.

Hitting quotas on enrollments for schools or for jobs in a company is not a way to get the best people in.

As far as universities go, he hit it right on, most campuses have a 90% liberal affiliation and only 10% conservative.  If you want Real Diversity in the schools, then you need to even the playing field and have a 50/50 representation of liberal and conservative, especially since the liberals are using our school compasses as their private propaganda stages.  And you better not dare have a difference of opinion.

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