Republicans Start to Fight back as Liberals try to Steal another Election

Republicans Start to Fight back as Liberals try to Steal another Election

The Election is around the corner and LIBERALS are Scared…

It’s becoming clearer as time passes and the 2024 Election gets closer that the liberals are running scared.  They are so afraid of running fairly against President Trump that they are again resorting to deviant tactics and games to get him kicked off the ballot all together.

They seem to know that the Republicans and the American people are on to them, and that it would be difficult to cheat in the upcoming election.  So what do they do?  Hey, why not just get him kicked off the ballot in enough states so you can’t vote, thus stealing an election.

A Top Republican secretary of state in Missouri threatens to kick Biden off the ballot as Trump payback

Jay Ashcroft - Missouri Secretary of State
Jay Ashcroft - Missouri Secretary of State

As a form of Payback to the delusional liberals trying to keep President Trump off the ballots in some of the democrat’s states, Ashcroft has threatened to kick Biden off as Fair Play.

DeSantis floats keeping Biden off ballot as SCOTUS weighs Trump case: ‘we’re going to fight back’

It’s time to stand up to the corrupt liberals and their attempt at stealing elections through any means possible.  I’m sorry if your party doesn’t have a candidate that can honestly win an election, perhaps that means you need to adjust your values and rethink your positions.  It’s a sad day if all you have is political theatre and corruption.

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