Oregon Attorney General says state will appeal ruling that Measure 114 is unconstitutional

Story by Bill Poehler, Salem Statesman Journal

Oregon’s attorney general and other top elected officials filed notice that they will appeal a lower court’s ruling this week that the ballot measure approving some of the strictest gun laws in the country is unconstitutional.

The state had 30 days after Tuesday’s filing of a final opinion by Harney County Judge Robert Raschio, who determined Ballot Measure 114 can’t be enforced, to file the intent to the state’s Court of Appeals.

The notice Wednesday by Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum is the latest in a series of legal wrangling that have prevented the law from being enforced since it was passed by voters in November 2022.

“We look forward to defending Measure 114 in the Oregon Court of Appeals,” Rosenblum said in a statement. “The Oregon Constitution does not prevent Oregon voters from adopting these sensible and effective gun safety laws.

“Similar measures elsewhere have saved lives, and there is every reason to believe Measure 114 would save lives in Oregon,” she said.  “We will be asking the Court of Appeals to allow Measure 114 to take effect while the state’s appeal proceeds and to expedite its review of these important laws.”

The law, which was approved by voters by a slim margin, requires permits, photo ID, fingerprints, safety training and a criminal background check to purchase a gun and prohibits magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

Oregon Liberals Out of Control

Oregon liberals want nothing more than the end of gun ownership in the state, that is the long game as we see it.  These are people that don’t shoot weapons, most have never handled one and all are not informed.

These people want you to bow down to their beliefs no matter what.

They have been after the guns in Oregon for as long as I can remember and are relentless with false information and a slew of lies.  They resort to hype and sensationalism to promote their twisted ideologies to their base.

The plain truth is they just don’t want you to have guns, PERIOD… 

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